Third Anniversary of EU-Turkey Statement : A Legal Analysis

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Lors du sommet UE-Turquie du 29 novembre 2015, les parties sont convenues de soutenir les réfugiés fuyant la guerre civile en Syrie et dans leur pays d’accueil, la Turquie, et de mettre en œuvre un plan d’action conjoint, adopté le 15 octobre 2015, qui vise à coopérer pour prévenir les flux migratoires irréguliers vers l’Union européenne.

Deux chercheuses, Cavidan Soykan et Neva Övünç Öztürk analysent la situation juridique à l’occasion du troisième anniversaire de la déclaration UE-Turquie.

Third Anniversary of EU-Turkey Statement: A Legal Analysis

3. October 2019  by Cavidan Soykan, Neva Övünç Öztürk

During the EU-Turkey Summit held on 29 November 2015, parties agreed to support refugees fleeing civil war in Syria and their host country Turkey, and to implement a Joint Action Plan, adopted on 15 October 2015, which sought cooperation to prevent irregular migration flows to the European Union. The underlying reason compelling parties to tailor such a plan was, undoubtedly, “the long summer of migration” that took place in 2015 commonly referred to as the “migration crisis” by European countries. Indeed, in its report dated 10 February 2016 on the implementation of the EU-Turkey Joint Action Plan, the European Commission noted that since the beginning of 2015, a total of 880,000 people arrived from Turkey to Greece, and that due to the “immense” scale of this movement, the Commission had been working with Turkish authorities to reduce the scale of these arrivals.

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