META-DEFENSE.FR 26 septembre 2024
Après une commande de 40 F-16V pour les forces aériennes turques, déjà annoncée, il semblerait, à présent, que les négociations autour...
Last week, Turkey's celebrated its 23rd anniversary. Erdogan has ruled Turkey through the party which he founded
Sinan Ciddi and Berk Esen discussed the legacy...
La Turquie a signé, dimanche 18 août, un accord avec la Somalie pour l'exploration des fonds marins. Les deux pays visent l'exploitation des ressources...
As tensions mount between Israel and Iran, there are warnings that threats by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to intervene in Gaza could make...
This research draws from Şalom, the longest-published Turkish Jewish newspaper since 1947, to trace the communication strategies of Şalom as a form of minority...
Anthi Karra's late article is to read in the recently published book Litterrary and Cultural Crossroads in the Late Ottoman Empire edited by Evangelia...
Dr. Alon Liel predicts Erdogan will indirectly support Palestinians through aid and smuggling, not direct military action against Israel.
"This handbook, the first of its kind, provides a rich overview of the socio-political issues and dynamics impacting Turkey’s diasporic groups and diaspora policymaking.
Editors Siobhan Lambert-Hurley, Daniel Majchrowicz, and Sunil Sharma recover, translate, annotate, and provide historical and cultural context for the 17th- to 20th-century writings of...
Turkey Book Talk #219 – Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, Assistant Professor of Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, on “Empire of Refugees: North Caucasian Muslims...
Drawing on contributions from an international group of more than forty established and emerging academics, this Handbook of the Late Ottoman Empire and the...
Le front caucasien, entre Anatolie orientale, Caucase russe et Perse, est l’un des théâtres d’opérations majeurs de la Première Guerre mondiale. Avec les Balkans,...
Ekrem İmamoğlu’s re-election has invigorated the opposition to Turkey’s president
Financial Times, April 8, 2024, by Adam Samson
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan should fear for his...
L’ampleur de la défaite électorale, particulièrement marquée dans la plus grande ville de Turquie, révèle que Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP) n’a...
Les résultats quasi-définitifs des élections municipales turques de dimanche donnent le parti d'opposition CHP largement en tête face à l'AKP du président Recep Tayyip...
An opposition victory in March 31 municipal elections, including in Istanbul, could shake up Turkey's political scene in unpredictable ways, perhaps even descent into...
Alors que les Turcs votent, dimanche 31 mars, aux élections municipales, la professeure en sciences politiques analyse, dans un entretien au « Monde », comment Recep Tayyip...
Le dimanche 31 mars, des millions d'électeurs turcs éliront les maires et les conseils municipaux. La course à Istanbul sera lourde de conséquences pour...
L’ex directrice du département de sociologie de l’Université Boǧaziçi (Université du Bosphore), anthropologue, chercheuse en sciences humaines avait été mise en garde à vue...
Recep Tayyip Erdogan can thank the Turkish lira for his rise to power. A financial crisis that delegitimized mainstream politicians propelled his campaign. The lira's 30...
Turkey’s foreign minister is visiting Baghdad for high-level meetings, ahead of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit next month and a potential Turkish offensive against...
Turkey Book Talk, March 14, 2024
Turkey Book Talk #214 – Bahar Baser, associate professor of Middle Eastern politics at Durham University, on “An Exodus from Turkey:...
European Commission, February 29, 2024
Today, the Commission signed an agreement with Türkiye on a €400 million grant from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF)...
Hafize Gaye Erkan a quitté la tête de l’institution financière turque, après une campagne de presse l’accusant de favoritisme. Sa politique de hausse des taux pour...