US, Swedish prosecutors study graft complaint naming son of Turkey’s Erdogan – REUTERS

Anti-corruption authorities in the United States and Sweden are reviewing a complaint alleging that the Swedish affiliate of a U.S. company pledged to pay...

Türkiye condemns PACE report negating counter-FETÖ efforts – HURRIYET DAILY NEWS

Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç and Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz have expressed strong condemnation over the approval of a report by the Parliamentary Assembly of...

Kılıçdaroğlu says Turkey’s SADAT is similar to Russia’s Wagner – DUVAR ENGLISH

As the rebel Russian mercenary group Wagner barreled towards Moscow in Russia, main opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu on June 24 likened Wagner to the...

Turkey-EU: How to resolve the Schengen visa debacle – MIDDLE EAST EYE

Changing the existing framework in which this issue is discussed and negotiated would be the first step to a more realistic and pragmatic approach....

Turkey’s lira hits new low after bank rules’ rollback – REUTERS

The Turkish lira slid as much as 3% to a record low against the dollar on Monday, after the central bank took steps to simplify policy,...

Au Proche-Orient, les réfugiés syriens, « invités » hier, sont aujourd’hui indésirables – LE MONDE

Des millions de Syriens victimes de la guerre civile ont trouvé refuge dans les pays voisins depuis 2011. Alors que les conditions de leur...

Erdogan weakened or invigorated? – Klaus Wölfer / GIS

Despite predictions to the contrary by polls, the opposition and most Western media, Turkey’s incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after 20 years in power,...

How Erdoğan Is Fomenting an Anti-Western Mindset in Turkey – Sinan Ciddi / THE DISPATCH

The president is trying to alter societal values and norms from the bottom up. By Sinan Ciddi in The Dispatch on June 23, 2023. We are...

En Turquie les groupes LGBT ont bravé les interdictions pour la marche des fiertés

Pendant les élections de mai 2023 le président Erdogan s'est amplement servi de l'acronyme LGBT pour fustiger ses opposants et en particulier son rival,...

Coup de force de Wagner : les prix des billets d’avion pour la Turquie et la Géorgie explosent en Russie. Benoît Leroy –...

TFI informait le 24 juin 2023 qu'en quelques heures, les billets d'avions pour quitter la Russie se sont envolés.La situation est très similaire à...

Turkey’s lira sinks to record low after unconvincing rate hike – REUTERS

Turkey's lira weakened as much as 3.3% to a record low on Friday, extending losses a day after the central bank's large rate hike failed...

Netanyahu and Turkey’s Erdogan reportedly aiming to meet in July – THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

Two leaders could discuss potential gas exports from field off Gaza, with supply shortages driven by Russian invasion of Ukraine incentivizing cooperation. The Times...

La victoire électorale d’Erdoğan met en péril les forces démocratiques en Turquie – Spyros A. Sofos / LES CRISES

La montée en puissance de l’extrême droite affectera tant la politique intérieure que la politique extérieure de la Turquie. Par Spyros A. Sofos, sur...

The Erdoğan Doctrine in the Wake of Turkey’s Elections – ARAB CENTER WASHINGTON DC

When Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced his new cabinet following his victory in the May 2023 presidential election, a positive mood ensued. Turkey...

World Economic Forum ranks Turkey among the worst in global index on gender equality – SCF

A recent report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) ranked Turkey 129th among 146 countries as regards gender equality. Stockholm Center of Freedom reports on June 22, 2023. The...

Turkey Copying Russia, Using Courts to Target Journalists – BALKAN INSIGHT

New report published by Germany’s Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom says Turkey is copying the Russian 'playbook', using the judiciary to silence critical journalism....

Hafize Gaye Erkan, une banquière orthodoxe à Ankara – Nicolas Bourcier / LE MONDE

La nouvelle patronne de la banque centrale turque, qui a fait toute sa carrière aux Etats-Unis, a décidé, jeudi 22 juin, un relèvement des taux...

La Turquie s’apprête à relever ses taux pour la première fois depuis deux ans – LE FIGARO

La Turquie s'apprête à abandonner jeudi des années de politiques économiques non conventionnelles, promues par le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, en augmentant les...

A new era for the Turkish economy? – Murat Kubilay / MEI

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s victory over the alliance of opposition parties in Turkey’s May elections, in which he secured another term as president and...

The Black Sea as Mare Clausum : Turkey’s special role in the regional security architecture – CATS SWP

The Black Sea is a region of tension. It is the arena of the Russia-NATO confrontation while at the same time serving as a...

Turkey expects Gulf investments after top-level UAE visit – REUTERS

Turkey expects the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia to invest in its energy and defence sectors after negotiations in Abu Dhabi led...

A blueprint for Turkey’s resilient reconstruction and recovery post-earthquake – Karim Elgendy / AL-MONITOR

The earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023, caused widespread devastation. The death toll was estimated at over fifty thousand people,...

Sanctioned Russian Bank to Begin Money Transfers to Turkey – Sinan Ciddi / FDD

VTB Bank, Russia’s second-largest lender, announced last week that it would more than double the number of countries to which retail clients can transfer funds, with...

Erdoğan to opposition leader: ‘You are pro-LGBT, and those with you are pro-LGBT too’ – BIANET

At a recent parliamentary gathering, Turkey's President labeled the opposition 'pro-LGBT,' alleging their proximity to 'terrorists' and accusing them of employing 'fascist and racist'...

Au grand bazar d’Istanbul : « La livre dévisse et nous, on vend le dollar chaque jour un peu plus cher qu’au cours officiel » – Nicolas Bourcier...

La banque centrale turque devait se réunir, jeudi, pour envisager une augmentation de son taux directeur afin d’enrayer la chute de la monnaie. Entreprises...

Turkey’s main opposition leader faces prosecution after losing legislative immunity following unsuccessful presidential bid – BIANET

After the parliamentary elections on May 14, former MPs who were not re-elected and had their immunity revoked are now facing judicial proceedings. Bianet...

La Turquie prête à dégainer le bazooka monétaire pour sauver la livre et terrasser l’inflation – LES ECHOS

Les marchés s'attendent à la plus forte hausse des taux depuis 30 ans en Turquie pour faire rebondir la livre et chuter l'inflation. La...

Erdoğan’s “new Turkey” looks no different than the old one – BALCANIC CAUCASO

Despite some early signs of moderation, after winning his third presidential term in contested elections, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has remained committed to his traditional...

Turkey eyes Balkan influence amid Serbia-Kosovo tensions – THE ARAB WEEKLY

It is no secret Turkey aims to become one of the most influential foreign actors in the Balkans. By Nikola Mikovic in The Arab...

‘Deployment of Turkish troops in Kosovo crucial’ – HURRIYET DAILY NEWS

The participation of Turkish soldiers in the Kosovo Force (KFOR) to support the NATO peacekeeping force amid heightened tensions in the region is crucial and a politically prudent decision, says...


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