"Blaming Israeli radicals and security forces for the attacks against the Palestinians, Erdogan expressed concern over the spreading of unrest to Gaza" reports Nazlan...
"Last summer, after years of open hostility, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Emmanuel Macron called a “verbal ceasefire.” Now, the Turkish and French presidents are in direct communication as...
"A perceptible excitation to see Turkey’s strongman Erdogan leave office is gathering pace among Western as well as Turkish wishful thinkers. The critical reason...
"The U.S. State Department’s annual report on human rights in Turkey, which was issued this week, mentioned nothing surprising. Its 93 pages contained more...
"Depuis l’accession au pouvoir de Recep Tayyip Erdogan, l’Afrique est devenue un enjeu majeur de la politique étrangère turque. Échanges économiques, culturels et diplomatiques...
"From behind the counter in a bakery in Kasımpaşa, a working-class Istanbul neighbourhood, Mustafa Kafadar can see the orange, white and blue banners of...
"Lavish Ramadan gatherings by Turkey's ruling party have fueled public outrage amid staggering inflation and skyrocketing prices" says Pinar Tremblay in Al-Monitor.
Turkish President Recep...
"Diplomatic and economic relations between Tunisia and Turkey are at stake in the wake of statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan following President...
"Turkish public prosecutors have sparked outrage among feminists by demanding the closure of the country’s largest women’s rights group accusing it of being “against...
"By slamming the dissolution of Tunisia’s parliament, Erdogan may have emboldened his ideological allies from the Ennahda party, but his criticism might backfire to...
"Ankara envisagerait de reprendre langue avec Damas pour discuter des Kurdes présents sur le sol syrien et des réfugiés syriens présents en Turquie. Mais...
"On 9 March, the Israeli president Isaac Herzog met his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, after a near six-year hiatus in high-level talks between the...
"Les autorités tunisiennes ont annoncé mercredi 6 avril avoir convoqué l'ambassadeur de Turquie à Tunis pour protester contre ce qu'elles considèrent comme une «ingérence»...
"L’homme d’affaires Ethem Sancak, ancien maoïste habitué des imprécations anti-OTAN, a été poussé à la démission après avoir déclaré que l’AKP, le parti du...
"Turkey and the United States announced the culmination of months of talks to set up a procedure for improving their strained ties, eyeing cooperation...
Turkey Is Charting Its Own Path On Economics and Foreign Policy
"Ahead of Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for June next year, President Recep...
"Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has swung the pendulum for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from the “Eurasianism” that ultimately lies in his heart back to...
"Champion des tours de passe-passe diplomatiques, le président turc a su tirer parti de l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine pour redorer son blason auprès de...
La présidentielle de 2023 n’est pas étrangère au repositionnement géopolitique du président turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, qui se campe en médiateur dans le conflit...
"Drawing on the role of Turkish drones in bolstering Ukraine’s defense, Erdogan has urged NATO partners to lift restrictions on military sales to Turkey....
"Avocat de formation et ancien coprésident du HDP, Selahattin Demirtas est incarcéré depuis le 4 novembre 2016, accusé notamment de « terrorisme ». Leader du mouvement kurde légal,...
"Vladimir Putin’s ill-conceived blitzkrieg in Ukraine has failed thanks, first and foremost, to the guts of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. British and US-supplied anti-tank...
"Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a indiqué vouloir demander à son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine d'être «l'artisan de la paix» en Ukraine lors d'un...
Caricature signé KIRO dans le Le Canard enchaîné.
"Le président turc, dans un jeu à plusieurs bandes, se veut désormais le meilleur ami de l'Ukraine,...