Depuis le 7-Octobre, le président turc, est passé de la prudence à la surenchère / Nicolas Bourcier / LE MONDE

« 7-Octobre, un an après ». L’approche pro-Hamas agressive adoptée par Ankara depuis le 7-Octobre a marginalisé la Turquie et réduit son rôle de médiateur sur...

Iran-Israel: Will Turkey get involved? / Burak Ünveren / DEUTCHE WELLE

Turkey supports the Palestinians and criticizes Israel while still observing distant relations with Iran. Turkish military involvement in the growing regional conflict is therefore...

No shift in US position on Turkey’s acquisition of Russian S-400s: Official / Ezgi Akın / AL-MONITOR

A Turkish Defense Ministry official rebuffed claims that Turkey and the United States were close to a compromise on the impasse over Turkey having...

Erdogan Says Turkey Will Deepen Ties With East While Still Facing West / U.S.NEWS

ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that Turkey would not stop deepening ties with the East, including the BRICS group of...

BRICS. Pourquoi la Turquie veut-elle rejoindre l’alliance économique dirigée par la Russie et la Chine ? /Selin Girit, Mahmut Hamsici / BBC

« Notre président a clairement indiqué que la Turquie souhaiterait participer à toutes les plateformes importantes, y compris les BRICS », a déclaré Omer...

Candidature de la Turquie aux Brics : une menace pour l’Otan ou un subtil jeu d’équilibriste ? Leela JACINTO / FRANCE 24

La demande d'adhésion turque faite au groupe des Brics (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine, Afrique du Sud) suscite de vives inquiétudes du côté de l'Otan,...

La Turquie pourrait rejoindre les BRICS /Nicolas Bourcier / LE MONDE

Le président turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, dont la demande d’adhésion à l’Union européenne reste au point mort, avait déjà manifesté son intérêt pour ce...

Turkish foreign minister plans to attend EU meeting in Brussels, spokesperson says / Echathimerini.com

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan will attend a meeting of European Union ministers in Brussels next week that Ankara hopes will pave the way...

Erdogan threatens Israel: ‘Like we entered Karabakh and Libya – we will do the same to Israel’ – Tovah Lazaroff / THE JERUSALEM...

Erdogan’s threats come amid a dramatic flare up in the nine-month cross-border war between the IDF and Hezbollah. LE JÉRUSALEM POST, updated July 29, 2024 Jerusalem...

La Turquie devrait déployer des navires de guerre au large de la Somalie pour protéger une exploration pétrolière / Anne Andlauer / Radio France...

La Turquie devrait prochainement déployer des navires de guerre au large de la Somalie pour protéger une opération d’exploration pétrolière offshore dans le cadre...

A rapprochement between Syria and Turkey is on the table. Here’s what it might mean for the region – Abby Sewell & Suzan Fraser...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Syrian President Bashar Assad have recently signaled that they are interested in restoring diplomatic ties that have been ruptured for more than...

Erdogan says Turkey will not approve NATO attempts to cooperate with Israel /The Straits Times

ISTANBUL - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday it is not possible for NATO to continue its partnership with the Israeli administration. The Straits...

Erdogan’s priorities at NATO summit

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Washington on Tuesday to attend NATO’s three-day summit, where Ankara is expected to prioritize two issues: boosting defense...

Turkey’s Erdogan arrives in US for NATO summit:Defense sales, PKK ties in focus /Ezgi Akin / AL-MONITOR

The Turkish president said cooperation against terrorism and removing defense sale obstacles against his country will top his agenda during his trip.Ezgi Akin Al-Monitor, 09/07/2020 ANKARA...

Erdogan’s Balancing Act in Turkey / WORLD POLITICS REVIEW

Since his sweeping overhaul of Turkey’s political system in 2017, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has cemented his near-total control over the country, even if...

Erdogan and Biden may meet at NATO’s US summit in July, ambassador says / AL-MONITOR

Amid widening differences over Gaza, Turkey postponed in April the Turkish president’s visit to the White House that was planned for May. Al-Monitor, June 13,...

Nato or Shanghai Cooperation Organisation? Turkey’s Erdogan goes for both – Ragıp Soylu / MIDDLE EAST EYE

The Turkish president’s expected attendance at rival summits in the same month highlight’s Ankara’s complex geopolitical moves Middle East Eye, June 12, 2024, by Ragıp...

Erdogan’s Turkey: Champion of Hamas, and an adversary of the West – Sinan Ciddi / EKATHIMERINI

Erdogan’s Turkey: Champion of Hamas, and an adversary of the West Ekathimerini, May 24, 2024, by Sinan Ciddi* Press conferences convened by heads of government, are...

Turkey backs Rutte as next NATO chief, Ankara official says / REUTERS

Turkey has told allies that it will back the candidacy of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte to be NATO's next secretary-general, a Turkish official...

Erdogan to meet Biden in Washington in May, Turkish media report / EKATHIMERINI

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to travel to Washington for a meeting with US President Joe Biden on May 9, Turkish media...

Is Erdogan heading to the White House? / AL-MONITOR

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reportedly clinched an invite to the White House in May, though the United States has not confirmed the...

Turkey’s Erdogan warns against spreading Ukraine conflict to NATO, exacerbating war / REUTERS

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday any steps that would exacerbate the war in Ukraine and possibly spread the conflict to NATO must...

US Senate defeats bid to stop F-16 fighter jet sale to Turkey – Patricia Zengerle / REUTERS

The U.S. Senate on Thursday soundly defeated an effort to stop the $23 billion sale of F-16 fighter jets and modernization kits to Turkey,...

Turkish foreign minister visits US this week, source says / REUTERS

Turkey's foreign minister will visit the U.S. on March 7-8 for talks on the Gaza and Ukraine wars and defence and energy, a Turkish...

Lavrov to visit Turkey as Erdogan seeks new Black Sea mechanism with Russia – Ezgi Akın / AL-MONITOR

The Turkish president unveiled the efforts to set up a new safety regulation ahead of the top Russian diplomat’s visit.Al-Monitor, February 29, 2024 Turkish...

OTAN : le Parlement hongrois donne son accord à l’adhésion de la Suède – Anne-Françoise Hivert / LE MONDE

Après l’approbation de la Turquie, en janvier, la Hongrie était le dernier pays à bloquer l’intégration du pays scandinave à l’Alliance atlantique. Le vote...

Ankara taps new ambassador to US / AL MONITOR daily breefing

Turkey on Wednesday named Sedat Onal as its new ambassador to Washington, tapping a career diplomat who currently heads Turkey’s mission to the United...

La Turquie rejoint l’European Sky Shield Initiative, et se rapproche du F-35 et du Typhoon / Fabrice Wolf / META-DEFENSE.FR

Le 15 février, le ministre de la Défense turc a signé une lettre d’intention, pour l’adhésion de la Turquie, à l’European Sky Shield Initiative,...

Don’t reward Erdogan / Sinan Ciddi / WASHINGTON EXAMINER

After holding the NATO alliance hostage for nearly two years, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan finally agreed to allow Sweden to join the trans-Atlantic alliance. Washington...

The United States Needs to Play Hardball With Turkey /Eric S. Edelman, Sinan Ciddi / FOREIGN POLICY

FOREIGN POLICY JANUARY 5, 2024 Turkey and the United States have been treaty allies since Ankara joined the trans-Atlantic alliance in 1952 by formally becoming...

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