Malgré l’accord, la Turquie menace de nouveau de bloquer le processus d’adhésion de la Suède à l’OTAN/L’Indépendant

Adhésion de la Finlande et de la Suède à l'Otan : malgré l'accord, la Turquie menace de nouveau de bloquer le processus La puissance de...

No breakthrough in Turkey’s talks with Sweden, Finland over joining NATO – Al-Monitor/Amberin Zaman

"Discussions between Turkey, Finland and Sweden about the Nordic countries' proposed NATO membership have ended inconclusively as Ankara showed no signs of abandoning its...

Turkey threatens year’s delay to Swedish and Finnish entry to Nato – The Guardian/Patrick Wintour

"Turkey has said it is willing to delay Swedish and Finnish membership of Nato for more than a year unless it receives satisfactory assurances...

Blinken says US fighter jet sales to Turkey ‘separate’ from NATO demands – Al-Monitor

"The US administration considers potential fighter jet sales to Turkey “separate” from Ankara’s demands over Finland and Sweden joining NATO, Secretary of State Antony Blinken...

Turkey and the new security architecture – Ahval News/Robert Ellis

"The spat about Finland and Sweden’s application for NATO membership has taken a serious turn. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s initial objections were to Scandinavian countries...

Turkey threatens new Syria incursion amid NATO debate – Al-Monitor

"Erdogan ups the ante as NATO allies offer cool response to Ankara’s demands over Sweden, Finland membership" says Al-Monitor. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on...

Les Etats-Unis face au marchandage de la Turquie, alors que la Suède et la Finlande veulent rejoindre l’OTAN – Le Monde/Piotr Smolar

"Recevant les dirigeants suédois et finlandais, Joe Biden s’est félicité de leur demande d’adhésion à l’Alliance atlantique, sans mentionner les conditions posées par Ankara"...

« Erdogan s’oppose à l’élargissement de l’OTAN » Le Monde/Marie Jégo

Marie Jégo titre dans le Monde du 19 mai "Le président turc monnaye son soutien à Stockholm et Helsinki, qui ont besoin de sa...

Blinken says arms sales to Turkey should be speeded up – Ahval News

"U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said arm sales to Turkey should be speeded up, state-run Anadolu news agency reported" says Ahval News.  "I think that...

« Turkey is extending its grip in the Black Sea, sending drilling ships and carrying out war games » – Al-Monitor

Turkey steps up Black Sea naval activity as war rages in Ukraine "As war rages in Ukraine, to the south Turkey has been busy extending...

« Upgrading Turkey’s F-16s is strategic malpractice » – Michael Rubin/Washington Examiner

"It has been almost three years since the United States formally kicked Turkey out of the consortium to build and fly the next generation...

Ukraine Is a U.S. Wake-up Call for Germany and Turkey – The National Interest

"America’s foreign policy establishment is offering critiques of how two of NATO’s larger powers, Germany and Turkey, are responding to Russia. Any such effort...

« Turkey’s alignment in a changed world » – Ramazan Hakkı Öztan/Le Monde diplomatique

"On 9 March, the Israeli president Isaac Herzog met his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, after a near six-year hiatus in high-level talks between the...

U.S. says potential F-16 sale to Turkey would serve U.S. interests, NATO – Reuters

"The Biden administration believes a potential sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey would be in line with U.S. national security interests and would...

Ukraine war boosts Erdogan’s ‘new Atlanticism,’ but for how long? – Semih Idiz/Al-Monitor

"Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has swung the pendulum for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from the “Eurasianism” that ultimately lies in his heart back to...

Ukraine Invasion Increases Friction Between Erdogan and Putin – The New York Times

"The Turkish and Russian leaders have found themselves on opposite sides of a host of armed conflicts. In Ukraine, the stakes may be higher...

Ukraine asks Turkey to close Black Sea waterways to Russia – Reuter- Duvar English

Ukraine asked Turkey to shut the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits to Russian ships, Ukrainian Ambassador to Ankara Vasyl Bodnar said on Feb. 24. After...


A brilliant synthesis of Turkey's foreign policy of two decades published in. CEPA February 17, 2022 and The Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policiy Turkey...

Will Turkey Help Washington If Russia Invades Ukraine? – Washington Institute for Near East Policy

"Fears of Russian military power may keep Ankara out of the spotlight, but its Black Sea calculations and Crimean Tatar sympathies indicate a willingness...

Marc Pierini: “The Russia-NATO Crisis Tests Turkey’s Balancing Policy” – Carnegie Europe

“Ankara’s drone sales to Kiev have angered Moscow. A military escalation in and around Ukraine would endanger Turkey’s relationship with Russia, impair its participation...

Fehim Taştekin: “Why Turkey wants to mediate in Ukraine crisis” Al-Monitor

“Erdogan’s offer to mediate between the Russian and Ukrainian leaders reflects Ankara’s growing fears over the conundrums it could find itself in should war...

Fehim Taştekin: « Can Turkey help in Ukraine crisis? » – Al-Monitor

"Moscow is likely to welcome a Turkish mediation effort if it serves to restrain Ukraine from a military adventure" reports Fehim Taştekin in Al-Monitor....

Erdogan renonce à expulser 10 ambassadeurs occidentaux – Le Figaro

"Pour les observateurs, il s'agissait surtout avec ce mouvement d'humeur de «faire diversion», la Turquie étant en proie à une crise économique, avec un taux...

Didier Billion: « Erdogan joue un jeu dangereux » -TV5Monde

"On sait que la situation économique se dégrade de façon préoccupante en Turquie, et qu'une partie de l'électorat d'Erdogan est en train de le...

« The High Cost of An Unpredictable Turkey » Marc Pierini – Carnegie Europe

"With twenty months left until Turkey’s legislative and presidential elections, the political debate will be fierce. The West may choose to sit it out...

Erdogan-Putin summit highlights Turkey’s fragile balancing act – Fehim Taştekin – Al-Monitor

"Erdogan’s failure to achieve his goals in the high-profile meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin shows that Turkey’s balancing act with Russia and the...

Margaret Brennan’s interview with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on « Face the Nation »- CBSNews

Margaret Brennan interviewed President Erdoğan on September 26, 2021 on "Face the Nation". Here's a transcript of the interview: MARGARET BRENNAN: President Biden has...

Turkey begins pulling troops from Kabul airport as US deadline looms – Al-Monitor

Al-Monitor, August 25, 2021, Jared Szuba, image: Master Sgt Donald R Allen/US Air Force/AFP/Getty Turkey has begun withdrawing its troops from Kabul airport, the Turkish...

Can Ankara play a constructive role in Afghanistan? – The National News

The National News, August 23, 2021, David Lepeska The news out of Afghanistan has been one heartbreak after another: Afghans falling from the sky; a toddler crushed...

New book: »A Sultan in automne. Erdogan Faces Turkey uncontainable forces »Soner Cagaptay

Soner Cagaptay*. A Sultan in automn. Erdogan faces Turkey uncontainable forces, I.B. Taurus/The Washington Institute. In-Depth Reports: "The unprecedented economic growth and personal popularity once...

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